The Rise of Community-Built Canon: Could Fandom Future-proof Franchises?

WAX io
3 min readMay 22, 2024

This article is published on behalf of Alien Worlds.

The Digital Shift & Copyright Challenges

In the digital era, entertainment franchises face new challenges as copyrights expire. Iconic characters like Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh are entering the public domain, opening up creative freedoms previously constrained by legal boundaries. This shift provides an unprecedented opportunity for communities to engage with and expand beloved universes.

Fandoms: The New Guardians of Lore

Fandoms are far from passive; they are dynamic communities actively extending the narratives and worlds they adore. Through fan fiction, art, and discussions, they explore and sometimes even dictate the evolution of their favorite franchises. Recognizing and integrating these community contributions could future-proof and enrich these franchises.

From Fan Contributions to Community-Built Canon

The potential for fan-driven content is immense, especially as copyrights expire. Studios might consider embracing community contributions by facilitating platforms where fans can submit creative ideas that could be incorporated into the official canon. This approach could revolutionize storytelling by making it a collaborative effort between creators and the community.

Harnessing Technology & Community in Gaming

The gaming industry is already pioneering community-driven models. For example, Alien Worlds on the WAX blockchain utilizes a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to let players guide game development and lore creation. This model empowers players, turning them into co-creators who actively shape the game’s universe.

The Future of Franchises

As franchises like Star Wars and Harry Potter continue to inspire generations, integrating community-driven elements could lead to a more engaged and dedicated fanbase. Embracing this model not only enhances the narrative but also ensures its relevance and longevity in a rapidly evolving entertainment landscape.

A Call to Embrace Collective Creativity

As more characters and stories become public domain, the opportunity for communal creative expression will grow. By fostering an environment where fans can contribute, entertainment franchises can thrive in a future where the lines between creator and audience are increasingly blurred.

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The content contained in community posts is solely the authors’ responsibility and is not independently verified by WAX. We can in no way validate the authenticity or the accuracy of this content to any third-party properties’ respective cannon. Readers are encouraged to do their research to confirm any and all information featured in community posts. WAX makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information found in community posts or its suitability for any purpose whatsoever.



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