Amazon AWS x WAX: The Future of Web3

WAX io
3 min readMar 26, 2024


After days of anticipation, we’re proud to unveil our collaboration with Amazon AWS! This partnership is a quantum leap for the WAX Blockchain Ecosystem. Explore Amazon’s official announcement here.

For developers, this collaboration introduces an exciting opportunity: the WAX AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This tool empowers you to launch your own chains tailored for your games or projects, directly on WAX. Think of it as deploying your very own Layer 2 solutions, akin to how Polygon operates on Ethereum, but powered by the unique capabilities of WAX.

Enhancing the Gaming Experience

This partnership between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and WAX is all about empowering developers with the resources they need to innovate in the web3 space, specifically in gaming. By facilitating easy access to Amazon’s comprehensive web services, we’re paving the way for groundbreaking gaming experiences.

A crucial aspect of this collaboration is the performance and reliability it brings to the table, especially with WAX’s remarkable transaction speeds and 500-millisecond block finality. This ensures that gaming transactions are not only secure but also almost instantaneous, providing a seamless experience for gamers and developers alike.

Elevating Gaming to New Heights

Built on the backbone of blockchain, WAX, anchored in the Antelope framework, is uniquely positioned to meet the demands of the gaming industry, offering fast transaction speeds and unparalleled efficiency. Our collaboration with Amazon provides developers the liberty to explore and innovate, ensuring gamers can enjoy a seamless experience with their digital assets like never before.

For those working on gaming or e-commerce applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS), leveraging WAX blockchain nodes is now more accessible and powerful. Whether seeking peak performance or custom solutions, our collaborative infrastructure with AWS is designed to support your needs.

Kickstarting with WAX Blockchain Nodes on AWS

Setting up your project on AWS with WAX Blockchain nodes comes in two specialized forms: the API Node and the Ship Node. The API Node is your go-to for managing the state of digital assets and facilitating new transactions with its RPC APIs, perfect for dynamic, real-time interactions. Meanwhile, the Ship Node offers a deep dive into the blockchain’s history, armed with WebSocket APIs for extensive data queries.

Whichever path you choose, rest assured the deployment on AWS is crafted for consistency, scalability, and smooth operation, ensuring your project leverages our blockchain’s full capabilities.

A Future Built Together

At WAX, our vision has always been to revolutionize e-commerce and digital interactions, facilitating seamless transactions and true digital ownership. With AWS’s comprehensive digital infrastructure, leveraging WAX’s capabilities has become even more straightforward than ever for developers.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about the partnership that takes the WAX Blockchain to a new level. Start building & take advantage of the WAX AWS CDK today.

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